How do you ace search?
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Real-time personalization of search results for each shopper is key. See how eCommerce search creates magic, delivering personalized results by mapping user interaction and behavioural cues.
Personalized commerce search is core to online commerce success. And yet it’s often neglected. It’s about enabling your high potential visitors to discover the right products quickly, deliver richer customer experiences and keep them coming back.
So what does personalized commerce search look like? Consider this online fashion retail store. I’m a first time visitor looking for a pair of denim jeans. So I begin my search by keying in a simple query. Remember, the retailer has no history of my interactions. Now, as I begin typing, the possible matches start appearing even before I have completed the search term. As you can see, a bunch of denim apparel is already appearing. There’s men’s jeans, shorts, women’s shorts, denim jacket, dress. I scroll down to see if there’s a pair of jeans. I like these skinny jeans catch my attention, and I want to check them out. I click on the item to look at it more closely. I like what I see, including the color and the fit.
At the base of the page, I also see some very relevant recommendations of similar skinny fit jeans that helped me make up my mind. Let me pause here for a second and go back to the search bar and do the exact same search again. It’s phenomenal how the results are now so personalized because of that one interaction I just had. RichRelevance(now Algonomy) personalized search caught my intent signals in real time and is now showing me women’s jeans. Exactly what I’m looking for today. It’s no longer showing me men’s jeans, shorts or jackets. This helps me build conviction and decide on the right product to buy.
Let’s say I’m also looking for sweatshirts for my nephew. I am a bit more specific with my query this time typing gray sweat and immediately start seeing gray apparel. The results are broad at this point. Not assuming this category should also display only women’s products. I like this hooded sweatshirt, and I click on it.
Now let me go back to the search bar and search for sweatshirts again to see how this interaction personalizes the results. RichRelevance(now Algonomy) Find once again personalizes the search experience based on my current session. It uses the user profile service or UPS to understand my affinities for a product, category, as well as color and fit. This information then immediately influences the relevancy of search results.
In this case, I was shopping as an anonymous user and got a great experience for logged in users, their historical affinities and past purchases will also be used to start personalizing their experience from the moment they land on the page. This provides real time personalization behavioral data as well as search keywords to improve your search results. It not only accelerates product discovery, but also helps you grow online conversions and revenues. Personalized commerce search, a vital part of delivering rich customer experiences and with-it digital commerce success.
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