Simplify buying by building the cart faster with associated products
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Online grocery best practices: reduce number of clicks to get to cart, ease shopper’s purchase experiece with ‘buy the recipe’ in one click!
Hi, everyone, I’m going to be talking to you guys today about how Woolworths one of our grocery customers, leverages our grocery best practices, as well as other features are recommended recommend products to help people get products into their cart faster, as well as how to get more things into a cart that might complete things that they want to be cooking at home.
So I’m going to go ahead first and click on the meat, seafood and deli category. And I’m going to go click on meat, and then I’m going to show all meat. Now the first thing you’re going to notice when I get here is in in this overall category, I’ve got this being sorted by our discovered product. So it’s personalized in these categories to each individual user. So I clicked on bacon a lot of times before, so I’m seeing a lot of beta on top of my category. But the feature that we want to showcase here is really the ability to add products directly to their cart from the category page. This really eases up the amount of clicks the user has to go through to get products into their cart, a lot of grocery shoppers will shop directly from category.
The other thing that I want to show to you is how our recommend product enables people to complete a lot of their recipes in one click. So if I click on recipes, and I go to things like maybe meal types, and I go to dinner, you know, I see a lot of different recipes here that I can cook. So if I just look at this meal vegetable to ramen, and click on View the recipe and I land on the recipe page for that product. I can scroll down and it tells me all about it, what’s in it, you know how I cook it, things like that. But then I can actually go and shop the recipe where I can add a new back and look at individual products, I can add individual products to my cart directly from the page, or they’ve even given me the option to add all 12 products to my cart in one click. So if I don’t have any of these things at home, I can add them all in one go check out and boom I’ve got my recipe being sent to my house.
Thank you very much and I look forward to speaking to you guys soon.
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