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Turn every digital interaction into a personal experience

See how top retailers are using personalization in innovative ways

Algonomy Personalization Playbook

Loved by Over 400 Retailers and Brands

Fashion and Beauty
Food & Grocery

Deliver Full Commerce Lifecycle Personalization with Algonomy

Connect every touchpoint, backed by
real-time user profiles

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Personalized recommendations

With the industry’s most comprehensive library of over 150 strategies, Algonomy Recommend™ delivers the most contextually relevant product recommendations that help you achieve engagement, conversion and revenue goals, be it for similar products, cross-sell or long tail products.

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Personalized search

Our promise - no two shoppers see the same search results for identical search terms. By leveraging shopper individual behavioral data and affinities, Find™ displays the most relevant catalog items upfront, ensuring customers find what they need, without having to dig deeper. Our self-learning search eliminates the dreaded ‘no results’ page and ensures relevance

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Personalized browse and navigation

Dynamically re-sort category and product listings with flexibility to customize weights for attributes such as brands, pricing, product newness, view and purchase affinities. Discover™ immediately impacts product discovery by matching category pages with your shopper preferences as she browses, as if you were re-arranging the in-store display for every visit.

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Personalized content and offers

Engage™ auto-optimizes content experiences by mapping individual shopper behavior against advanced targeting and segments. Discover new behavioral segments, eliminate the need to run manual A/B tests and trigger on-demand dynamic experiences. Personalize by shopper type (new visitors or returning customers) and across the buying journey (from landing pages to cart page).

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Get inspired

Retail idea library with 20+ unique personalization examples from grocery, fashion, specialty, electronics, DIY, beauty & more

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Evaluating personalization providers? Pull together all your requirements to make the assessment process easier

Personalization checklist

Learn more about Algonomy Hyper-Personalization Suite

Personalization datasheet

Solve the challenge of recommendation gaps for products with no historical data and ease the load on merchandisers with DeepRecs Visual AI and NLP

DeepRecs datasheet