Uncover 2024's HOTTEST ecommerce personalization trends & master customer engagement. Explore Now!

Engage: Personalized Content & Promotions

Engage Customers with the Right Content at the Right Time

Automatically map individual customer behavior against advanced targeting and audience segmentation. Display the right promotions and content at the individual level with maximum precision and minimal effort.

Don’t guess - let your data decide on content that drives revenues

Leverage data-driven content personalization with machine learning; auto-optimize and eliminate tedious manual A/B tests.

Create dynamic experiences for your customers

Our powerful set of templates and triggers can help you configure and customize personalized messages using overlays, embeds, pop-ups, landing pages, and other CTA layouts on demand.

Captivate your customers with personalized content experiences

Engage and delight with segments extended to individual content, optimize and track for conversions.

Particle element

Dynamic segments

Map real-time, individual customer behavior against advanced targeting and segmentation tools.

Content Personalization - Embedded recommendations

Embedded recommendations

Embed personalized product recommendations within content to increase engagement and conversions.

Segment Export

Easily build and export custom-built segments to external sources such as your email provider (ESP), triggering personalized emails with targeted content.

Dashboard for Experience Insights and Analytics

Measure and optimize campaigns based on the KPIs that matter most to your brand and marketing teams.

Personalized Content Tag management
Particle element

Content Tag management

Build digital marketing campaigns efficiently by applying tags to content from similar cohorts


Personalized Product Recommendations

Leverage 150+ pre-built strategies and a decisioning engine to curate 1:1 recommendations that boost conversions and basket sizes.

Audience Manager

Real-Time Segment Streaming with Audience Manager

Omnichannel customer experiences become a reality when your segments exist wherever and whenever you need them.

Social Proofing

Live Activity Tracking and Badging

Increase engagement and conversion rates with urgency messaging based on real-time views, purchases, and inventory levels.

Leverage 150+ pre-built strategies and a decisioning engine to curate 1:1 recommendations that boost conversions and basket sizes.

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Deliver hyper-personalized content and promotions to improve campaign performance, increase customer engagement, and reduce bounce rates.

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Increase engagement and conversion rates with urgency messaging based on real-time views, purchases, and inventory levels.

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Eliminate decision fatigue by presenting the most relevant products upfront and dynamically re-sorting category pages as per a shopper’s real-time intent.

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Personalized Content and Promotions Engage