Applicable Segment(s):
Fashion & Lifestyle, Health & Beauty, Home Furnishings, Electronics, Luxury, Specialty, DIY, Toys, Office Supplies and D2C
Impacted Function(s):
Social Proof
Upsell Or Cross-Sell with Personalized Social Proof Messages
The Company
A leading retailer selling hardware and software
The Challenge
The retailer wanted to personalize real-time messages based on product category and cart value.
They also wanted to upsell customers by providing the right product recommendations based on compatible products, their past purchases and budget ranges.
The Approach
The retailer identified specific segments that would be exposed to personalized real-time social proof messages. On choosing the seed product, they would display all the compatible products that go with the seed product.
They provided visitors incentives for choosing product bundles based on the real-time personalized recommendations. Visitors would be entitled to further discounts if their cart value hit a minimum threshold. They wanted to encourage this by displaying real-time social proof messages of those that had bought the suggested bundles. They were also able to tweak the minimum threshold number of bundled purchases.
They were able to restrict messages being displayed to certain categories of products and certain segments of shoppers over a time range.

The Result
Overall, the retailer was able to increase upsells by 2% and improved conversions by 2.8%. With the flexibility a configurable system provides, the retailer is confident that they can utilize Social Proof more extensively across their site and cover more categories and segments, thereby accelerating purchase decisions.

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