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Gain the Algonomy Assortment Advantage

[gusta_post_date vc_id=”date-20426415355fe07776e4838″ date_type=”updated” sub_groups=”label_text” label_text=”Last updated on”][gusta_post_title vc_id=”title-16746549515fe073375c905″]
Algorithmic inputs for precise and effective assortments to drive profitability and greater customer experience.

Avoid Blindfold Buying and Adapt to Smart Buying

Greater assortment effectiveness

Leading to better fullprice-sell-through

Improved customer experience

Leading to repeat purchase and customer loyalty

Localized assortment mix

Leading to increase in profitability

Algorithmic Assortment Planning

That yield assortment aligned to meet key merchandising objectives of full-price-sell-through and resultant profitability

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Demand prediction and merchandise planning

Machine Learning based prediction models to accurately predict sales based on seasons and trends with the inclusion of causal variables that impact sales like discounts, markdowns, events and holidays

Store clustering

Identify store patterns and buy better for similar behaving stores based on performance and non-performance based variables. Performance based variables – category sales, brand sales, attributes performance and sales by demographic profile of customers. Non Performance variables – Store size, store type, weather and demographic profile. to create store clusters with similar behavior and demographics that aid in localized assortment and inventory allocation policies.

Assortment depth & breadth

Determine the number of product lines and the variety within each line to purchase based on business goals.

Size pack

Obtain recommendations for optimized size packs by region, clusters, etc. to reduce opportunity loss and excess stock situations.